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227.7k along the Great Glen Way and West Highland Way Week two started with a three mile trudge out of Inverness. One local told me all the villages are dying out due to the increasing sprawl of th…
226.7k (mostly) along the John O’Groats Trail Well that was quite a week! It was immediately preceded by a rather unusual prologue in the form of a drinks reception at the DFE to meet (no longer sh…
Ok - I’ve not gone on full Captain Oates - I do intend to return.  But I’m off for a long walk to clear my head and it’ll take me 2 months.  It’s been heavily trailed, but in case …
As I write this on a lazy summer’s afternoon, I’m trying to relax, take the weight off my feet and definitely not go anywhere.  That’s because after my minor op on Tuesday, it hurts to breat…
Around half of those diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer end up dead within a year.  But you can take today’s blog as proof that I’m not - isn’t that wonderful!  And it gets better…
I thought the media momentum might continue after my London Marathon triumph, but it completely disappeared.  I suppose that’s the nature of the news cycle - on to the next ‘inspirational’ s…
I’m not sure whether to call this a race report or concert review but here goes! It’s strange what a person can get used to. Pre-diagnosis, I found a way to normalise an alarming frequency of to…
In the run up to London Marathon day (T-7 days, precisely!) I’ve been asked all sorts of questions by all sorts of people, and this looks like continuing into next week with interviews lined up for tv…
Oh how the tables have turned! This week, it’s me who’s had to be careful around people because I’ve been the infected one not wanting to pass it on.  What started as a scratchy throat sp…
I’m not feeling very well.  If you’ve kept half an eye on this blog in recent weeks, that will come as no surprise.  But I’m not talking about chemo; I’m talking about the throat/h…
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