About Me

What’s the worst that can happen? It already has… So let’s go!

My name is Nathaniel Dye and at the age of 36, I was diagnosed with stage 4/incurable bowel cancer. I hope to survive at least a year, but my chances of making it past five are under 10%.

I may be dying but, for now, I choose to live and show the world through words and deeds that it’s possible to live a full life post-diagnosis. I owe it to everyone I love and who is supporting me along the way to keep going, keep running and stay as fit and active as possible in the hope that I can live that little bit longer. To raise awareness along the way in the hope that others – unlike me – can maybe catch cancer early enough to give them a hopeful prognosis.

I’m proudly fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support because they have already given me so much support in the form of medical information, counseling, a free will and there will much more to come as things get worse. Macmillan are well and truly there for people with cancer and those around them and your donation will really count!

I’ve taken my remaining tumours and colostomy bag on quite a few adventures.  These have included a summer running up and down mountains and a 100 mile ultra running comeback before taking on the ridiculous challenge of running this year’s London Marathon whilst playing the trombone and raising over £28,000. So far the outpouring of love from supporters and fellow runners has been overwhelming and I made it my mission to raise awareness through a solid week of media interviews in the week leading up to marathon day.  I even ended up on the cover of Runner’s World!

What’s next? Well…

…Sitting in the chemo chair earlier this year (and feeling utterly miserable), I promised myself that if I could get through that debilitating three month cycle and earn myself another healthy summer, I’d take my shrunken tumours on a very long walk: from John O’Groats to Lands End.

JOGLE has been on my bucket list for a long time and now I’m faced with the very real possibility that this will be my last healthy summer and I’m not exactly going to get any stronger, fitter or healthier any time soon.  So now is the time to go for it.

After all, what’s the worst that can happen? It already has!