
I’m not sure whether to call this a race report or concert review but here goes! It’s strange what a person can get used to. Pre-diagnosis, I found a way to normalise an alarming frequency of to…
In the run up to London Marathon day (T-7 days, precisely!) I’ve been asked all sorts of questions by all sorts of people, and this looks like continuing into next week with interviews lined up for tv…
Oh how the tables have turned! This week, it’s me who’s had to be careful around people because I’ve been the infected one not wanting to pass it on.  What started as a scratchy throat sp…
I’m not feeling very well.  If you’ve kept half an eye on this blog in recent weeks, that will come as no surprise.  But I’m not talking about chemo; I’m talking about the throat/h…
Did I mention that chemo is repetitive?  Chemo is repetitive.  Cycle 4 feels just like the other three this year.  Same procedures, same tablets, same tingles, same nerve pain, same exhaustion, same s…
Here’s another blog brought to you by post-chemo steroids.  I wonder if they’ve brought on some performance-advancing advantages.  I don’t feel like doing much moving today, but my brain is ticking ov…
Most of this blog was written in group therapy as a ‘free writing’ exercise.  It’s fair to say they were preaching to the converted with this particular task! People imagine that I must b…
Not for the first time this week, I started today with an empty diary and no agenda.  No commitments, no obligations, no pressure on my time.  Once I’d taken my chemo tablets at 7:…
It’s fair to say that chemo has hit me hard.  How hard?  Just have a look at the video I took after I got home from chemo 2.  If a picture paints a thousand words, that v…
If you’ve known me for a while, you’ll know today is the hardest day of my year.  If you haven’t, it’s likely you’ll feel really sad after reading this and never be able to look at me in qui…
Generally, it’s helpful to know what’s coming.  Specifically too with chemotherapy cycles.  But this week, that familiarity has bred all sorts of contempt. There’s no point in w…
In 2019, 1.5 million people died from diarrhoea.  This week, I gained a real insight into why this is the case. Like all sorts of chemo side effects, this one was predicted and I took a l…
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