
It has been two weeks since my last proper blog post.  Hang on - that sounds a bit like I’ve apprehensively entered some kind of literary confessional - but I have excuses.  Lots o…
I’ll write a blog or series whenever I’ve processed the utter craziness of the past two weeks but for anyone waiting on an update:Long term prognosis hasn’t changed but remaining cancers are ‘under co…
A warm welcome to anyone who’s made their way round from the Runner’s World article that’s dropped! If you have any comments or questions, particularly about the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer, pl…
Well!It’s been over a week since my last entry. No - this time, I’m not in hospital. I’ve been out. I’ve been about. I’ve seen people, places and done things - engaging in actual, proper pastimes …
I arrived home after eight uneasy days in hospital to a freezing cold welcome.  This was because, firstly, I was used to the ‘care home level’ warmth of hospital wards and, secondly, my brot…
Monday arrived and, with it, progress.  Ok the progress was painstakingly slow, but noticeable nonetheless.  I was moved on from a liquid diet to soft food, mainly consisting of porridge, mashed potat…
After Wednesday’s surgery, and two torrid days in HDU, by Saturday morning, I was in a standard hospital ward.  Well it wasn’t quite as standard as I was expecting.  For starters, I was in my own room…
I woke up.  That in itself felt like a bit of a win, given the circumstances. I was a bit groggy and moving didn’t seem to be working, but my brain was switched on and possibly let my voice …
Hello, I’m back!  Home and recovering from one of the most horrible episodes in my short life.  I’m going to write about it in the hope that this helps me process the trauma, but f…
Progress update:Pain down, tubes gradually coming out and I’m walking laps around the ward. Hopefully will be discharged midweek. Been told to eat around 6 small meals a day or graze. Does anyone h…